Prolier than thou

Image result for working class man rags

Everything I have ever overcome, from education failing me, making me feel stupid and worthless, rejection after rejection equalling several years of dejection has only served to crystalise the person I am today. Stronger, wiser and more mature, it is these hard-earned attributes that enable me to create works of art that celebrate and elevate the working class communities so often discarded and ignored by the higher echelons within society. My lived (and loved) experiences filter in and throughout my work like a heart pumping life’s blood.

Every knock, every dig, every sneer I have turned into a positive action, people attack, they denigrate, well they don’t realise that like Ben ‘Obi Wan’ Kenobi off of Star Wars ‘ it only makes me stronger and more powerful. The hate is turned back onto the protagonists.

There are a lot of people attempting to capitalise on the working class plight, people out to exploit the narratives and histories of us, it has never been more financially expedient to profess a passion and sincerity for issues like those that affect the underclass. Middle class opinion columnists and media ‘mavens’ are hijacking the potency of singular working class pride and individual identity politics. From films that allege to expose and shame to books that pry and pilfer the je ne sais quoi of the global struggle. Be vigilant.

My trenchant working class virtues and unabashed commitment to the cause of the bereft and victimised  is all I need to get up every day. Knowing I represent so many spiritually malnourished souls and how through my work I can take on the power structures and hierarchical systems that keep us penned in and put down.

I feel so blessed to have so many friends and confidants on social media, without their constant backing and kind words I wouldn’t have been able to achieve half the things I have. Thanks a million guys.

I’m currently reading a book called Working Class Memories: From Jarrow to Harrow.: Striking out for better futures. I urge anyone who cares about the maltreatment of our fellow folk to read it and not defy them not to shed a tear or three. What doesn’t kill you …

In the words of our revered anti-hero Arthur Seaton: ‘never let the bastards grind you down’